The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618 2012 website design changes

If you’re a past visitor to you likely noticed the major change in its design in 2012.  One visitor wrote to say that they preferred the old design. Click on the images below to see the old look:

If you really miss the old look you can visit it at the Archive Wayback Machine snapshots of  Here, however, are the reasons for the change in site design and its benefits.

The list goes on, but overall it just wasn’t keeping up with current practices and standards for web site design, so most users might not even find it in the search engines eventually if I didn’t change it.

On the upside, these are the benefits:

The new site design is just a beginning of what can come, so hopefully you’ll find it’s just one step back as I take ten steps forward.  Changing from something familiar is always a pain at first but I hope you’ll find that the new site becomes easy to use once you give it a chance and that it actually offers more than the old one in total as time goes one.

By the way, the dividing line between the post content and the side bars is right at the golden ratio point of the width. Perhaps I’ll add some other golden ratio design aspects as I learn the WordPress platform.

Thank you to all my visitors.  I appreciate any other feedback you have to make the site better.

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