The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618

The Human Body and the Golden Ratio

The human body is based on Phi and 5.

The human body illustrates the Golden Section or Divine Proportion. We’ll use the golden ratio building blocks developed on the Life page again for each line segment:

The Divine Proportion in the Body

Although not shown, the golden section of the magenta line (also the short section of the green line) defines the width of the head and half the width of the chest and the hips.

The Human Body is based on patterns of 5, which is the basis for Phi as well

Another interesting relationship of golden section to the design of the human body is that there are:

The golden section in turn, is also based on 5, as the number phi, or 1.6180339…, is computed using 5’s, as follows:

5 ^ .5 * .5 + .5 = Phi

In this mathematical construction “5 ^ .5” means “5 raised to the 1/2 power,” which is the square root of 5, which is then multiplied by .5 and to which .5 is then added.

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