The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618

What is the Fibonacci Sequence (aka Fibonacci Series)?

Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the sequence which converges on phi.

In the 1202 AD, Leonardo Fibonacci wrote in his book “Liber Abaci” of a simple numerical sequence that is the foundation for an incredible mathematical relationship behind phi.  This sequence was known as early as the 6th century AD by Indian mathematicians, but it was Fibonacci who introduced it to the west after his travels throughout the Mediterranean world and North Africa. He is also known as Leonardo Bonacci, as his name is derived in Italian from words meaning “son of (the) Bonacci”.

Starting with 0 and 1, each new number in the sequence is simply the sum of the two before it.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,  233, 377 . . .

This sequence is shown in the right margin of a page in Liber Abaci, where a copy of the book is held by the Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze. Click to enlarge.

The relationship of the Fibonacci sequence to the golden ratio is this: The ratio of each successive pair of numbers in the sequence approximates Phi (1.618. . .) , as 5 divided by 3 is 1.666…, and 8 divided by 5 is 1.60. This relationship wasn’t discovered though until about 1600, when Johannes Kepler and others began to write of it.

The table below shows how the ratios of the successive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence quickly converge on Phi.  After the 40th number in the sequence, the ratio is accurate to 15 decimal places.

1.618033988749895 . . .

Compute any number in the Fibonacci Sequence easily!

Here are two ways you can use phi to compute the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence (fn).

If you consider 0 in the Fibonacci sequence to correspond to n = 0, use this formula:

fn =  Phi n / 5½

Perhaps a better way is to consider 0 in the Fibonacci sequence to correspond to the 1st Fibonacci number where n = 1 for 0.  Then you can use this formula, discovered and contributed by Jordan Malachi Dant in April 2005:

fn =  Phi n / (Phi + 2)

Both approaches represent limits which always round to the correct Fibonacci number and approach the actual Fibonacci number as n increases.

The ratio of successive Fibonacci numbers converges on phi

in the
(the sum
of the two
before it)
Ratio of each
number to the
one before it
(this estimates



1 1
2 1 1.000000000000000 +0.618033988749895
3 2 2.000000000000000 -0.381966011250105
4 3 1.500000000000000 +0.118033988749895
5 5 1.666666666666667 -0.048632677916772
6 8 1.600000000000000 +0.018033988749895
7 13 1.625000000000000 -0.006966011250105
8 21 1.615384615384615 +0.002649373365279
9 34 1.619047619047619 -0.001013630297724
10 55 1.617647058823529 +0.000386929926365
11 89 1.618181818181818 -0.000147829431923
12 144 1.617977528089888 +0.000056460660007
13 233 1.618055555555556 -0.000021566805661
14 377 1.618025751072961 +0.000008237676933
15 610 1.618037135278515 -0.000003146528620
16 987 1.618032786885246 +0.000001201864649
17 1,597 1.618034447821682 -0.000000459071787
18 2,584 1.618033813400125 +0.000000175349770
19 4,181 1.618034055727554 -0.000000066977659
20 6,765 1.618033963166707 +0.000000025583188
21 10,946 1.618033998521803 -0.000000009771909
22 17,711 1.618033985017358 +0.000000003732537
23 28,657 1.618033990175597 -0.000000001425702
24 46,368 1.618033988205325 +0.000000000544570
25 75,025 1.618033988957902 -0.000000000208007
26 121,393 1.618033988670443 +0.000000000079452
27 196,418 1.618033988780243 -0.000000000030348
28 317,811 1.618033988738303 +0.000000000011592
29 514,229 1.618033988754323 -0.000000000004428
30 832,040 1.618033988748204 +0.000000000001691
31 1,346,269 1.618033988750541 -0.000000000000646
32 2,178,309 1.618033988749648 +0.000000000000247
33 3,524,578 1.618033988749989 -0.000000000000094
34 5,702,887 1.618033988749859 +0.000000000000036
35 9,227,465 1.618033988749909 -0.000000000000014
36 14,930,352 1.618033988749890 +0.000000000000005
37 24,157,817 1.618033988749897 -0.000000000000002
38 39,088,169 1.618033988749894 +0.000000000000001
39 63,245,986 1.618033988749895 -0.000000000000000
40 102,334,155 1.618033988749895 +0.000000000000000

Tawfik Mohammed notes that 13, considered by some to be an unlucky number, is found at position number 7, the lucky number!

The Fibonacci Sequence and Gambling or Lotteries

Some people hope that Fibonacci numbers will provide an edge in picking lottery numbers or bets in gambling. The truth is that the outcomes of games of chance are determined by random outcomes and have no special connection to Fibonacci numbers.

There are, however, betting systems used to manage the way bets are placed, and the Fibonacci system based on the Fibonacci sequence is a variation on the Martingale progression. In this system, often used for casino and online roulette, the pattern of bets placed follows a Fibonacci progression: i.e., each wager should be the sum of the previous two wagers until a win is made. If a number wins, the bet goes back two numbers in the sequence because their sum was equal to the previous bet.

In the Fibonacci system the bets stay lower then a Martingale Progression, which doubles up every time. The downside is that in the Fibonacci roulette system the bet does not cover all of the losses in a bad streak.

An important caution: Betting systems do not alter the fundamental odds of a game, which are always in favor of the casino or the lottery. They may just be useful in making the playing of bets more methodical, as illustrated in the example below:

Round Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Bet 1 Bet 1 and lose Bet 1 and lose Bet 1 and win
Bet 2 Bet 1 and lose Bet 1 and lose Bet 1 and win
Bet 3 Bet 2 and win Bet 2 and lose Bet 1 and lose
Bet 4 Bet 3 and win Bet 1 and lose
Bet 5 Bet 2 and win
Net Result Even at 0 Down by 1 Ahead by 2
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