The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618

The Science Channel Parthenon documentary features Gary Meisner as Golden Ratio Expert

Science Channel If We Built It Today Code of the Parthenon

If We Built It Today – Code of the Parthenon

In April 2021, the Science Channel released an intriguing new documentary in their “If We Built It Today” series. In Episode 3 of Season 2, the “Code of the Parthenon” explores the wonders and mysteries of the Parthenon of ancient Greece, and contemplates what it would take to build it today. The show features experts in architecture, engineering, history, sculpture and more. For insights into the beauty, aesthetics and design of the Parthenon, show producer Andrew Killawee turned to Gary Meisner as his Golden Ratio expert. Gary is, of course, the founder of this site at, developer of PhiMatrix Golden Ratio Design and Analysis software and author of “The Golden Ratio – The Divine Beauty of Mathematics.”

Gary knows from past experience that you never know what parts of a one or two hour interview are going to end up as the few quotes or sound bites that make it to the final cut of an article or documentary. This documentary though far exceeded his expectations. The very first minute of the episode featured closeups of him, his Golden Ratio book and his PhiMatrix software in action. Marketing giants like Proctor & Gamble or Coca-Cola couldn’t have paid for better product placement and promotion!

Gary Meisner’s perspectives on the Golden Ratio

Highlights of Gary’s contribution to the documentary (appearing at about the 1, 6, 8, 12 and 22 minute markers of the Internet version) included:

The entire hour long episode is fascinating on many levels, and very worth watching. For those without the time or access, a recap of the segments featuring Gary’s contributions to the documentary are shown below in the two “Selected Transcript” sections.

What’s a classic Greek story without an Antagonist?

The documentary though wasn’t all smooth sailing for Gary. The Golden Ratio is clouded with misinformation and confusion everywhere it goes. Conflict and controversy sell, and the show’s writers didn’t miss the opportunity in this classic Greek story to infuse the drama of the battle between a protagonist and antagonist. Pitted against the Gary’s quotes in support of the ancient Greek’s use of the Golden Ratio were quotes from his antagonist, Emily Varto, an Ancient Greece Historian.

Emily countered “This is an idea that the Parthenon is so beautiful and pleasing to the human eye, that it must follow one of these universal principals and beauty and proportion. Well it doesn’t have to follow a universal standard of beauty to be a thing of beauty. So I think there is a secret in the ratios, just that it’s a different ratio. If you pay attention to the measurements, which the archeologists have done within the last twenty or so years, and beyond, you’ll notice that proportion is 4 to 9, or 9 to 4. Of course, they’re interested in proportions. They just don’t seem to be that interested in the ‘so-called’ Golden Ratio.”

The scene then shifts to an illustration of the Parthenon’s length and width, with a big 4/9 to show their ratio. This is quickly followed by an animation of the Parthenon exploding into pieces to deliver the seemingly devastating blow that 9 to 4, or 2.25, is nowhere near the Golden Ratio of 1.618…!

This sounds quite condemning, but there was a fatal flaw in the antagonist’s evidence and reasoning. The ONLY proportion referenced to support her conclusion was that of the Parthenon’s length (228.14′ or 69.54 meters) to its width (101.34′ or 30.89 meters). This has a ratio of 2.2512, or about 9:4. The problem is that NO real expert on this topic has EVER claimed a Golden Ratio to exist in the ratio of the Parthenon’s length to width. To see the Parthenon’s Golden Ratios, you have to walk around the corner to the front face of the building, and look upward to see all of its beautifully designed detail. A trip inside reveals more yet. The attack was just an misinformed strawman argument, which is all too common among golden ratio skeptics, critics and debunkers.

In fairness, Emily is a very credible ancient Greece historian who added some wonderful historical content and color commentary to the documentary. Gary though has been investigating the Golden Ratio for many years, even writing his own software to do original research. And it’s a safe bet that the documentary, as good as it is, didn’t come close to capturing all that either of them had to say on this topic. Emily may well have been an unwitting victim of the surprising misinformation on the golden ratio that has been publicized by seemingly reputable sources. There truly is a general lack of good, consistent, accurate information that is available, even to those who really try to learn about the Golden Ratio.

And while Gary would completely agree with Emily that art and architecture certainly do not have HAVE to follow a universal standard of beauty to BE a thing of beauty, this entirely misses the point. The question at hand isn’t whether the Greeks HAD to use the Golden Ratio. The question is simply whether or not they DID.

The Parthenon’s Golden Ratios revealed

The documentary provided great exposure for Gary’s work and expert status, but didn’t even begin to dive into the depths of his writings and research that support his findings on the Greek’s use of the Golden Ratio in the design of the Parthenon. These are best presented in his article “The Golden Ratios of the Parthenon.” Some of the key golden ratios of the Parthenon are shown below. Note that a Golden Rectangle divided at its golden ratio point can be created with one of the most very basic geometric constructions of the golden ratio. This was shown by Euclid in “Elements” in a number of his propositions. The ancient Greeks embedded this Golden Rectangle FOURTEEN times across the face of the Parthenon, in the frieze section of the entablature resting atop the columns! An informed observer might conclude that they they thought it to be rather special and important, and didn’t want anyone to miss it!

Golden Ratios can then be found in many other design elements of the Parthenon, both on the exterior face as well as in its interior:

So then, in classic Greek drama fashion, the plot takes a turn for the protagonist as the narrator takes viewers to the story’s conclusion with quotes like these:

Nashville – The Athens of the South

The fact that Gary lives in Nashville was an added bonus, as Nashville is the home to the world’s only full size replica of the Parthenon. This provided the Science Channel production team with great resources and footage, as well as interviews with other local experts, including Wesley Paine – Nashville Parthenon Museum Director, Betsy Robinson – Ancient Architecture Historian and Alan LeQuire – Sculptor, whose 24 foot sculpture of the Greek goddess Athena graces the interior chamber of Nashville’s Parthenon.

Where to watch the show

The best place to watch “The Code of the Parthenon” is on The Science Channel itself, through your cable TV provider or other subscription resource. This 50 minute version is the most complete.

If you do not have access to The Science Channel from a cable TV subscription, you can also watch a slightly shorter 42 minute version on The Science Channel’s web site here:

You can also watch the Science Channel live without cable with one of the following options: fuboTV, Philo, Sling TV, or Hulu with Live TV.

“Code of the Parthenon” will be gradually distributed throughout the world in 2021 through 2023. International versions of the Science Channel currently exist in Southeast Asia, Europe, France, United Kingdom, Italy, India, Sweden, Turkey, Canada, Latin America and Australia. Unlike the U.S. network, the international channels are branded under the Discovery Science name.

For those without the access or time to watch, a recap of the segments featuring Gary’s contributions to the documentary are shown below in the two “Selected Transcript” sections.

Thoughts on the Parthenon’s lasting impact

Justin Shubow, President of the National Civic Arts Society, was another expert interviewed for the show. He expressed a very important point as to why the Parthenon and other buildings of this period are so important to architecture. Buildings throughout the world have been inspired by the architecture of ancient Greece. In Washington DC alone, these include the Supreme Court Building, the Lincoln Memorial, The Jefferson Memorial, The National Gallery of Art. He noted that these buildings all look like they’ve been there forever. They’re not a matter of fashion. These classic styles have been used whenever the architecture needs to present this sense of timeless, classic strength.

Sculptor Alan LeQuire was quoted with this insight at the show’s conclusion: “There is something there that’s ageless, and that is their sense of beauty. I think that most people who see the building get that immediately. We’re not using beauty as a guide, but if we did I think it would have a beneficial effect on everyone. Beauty, it makes your live much better on lots of levels.” The narrator concludes the episode with, “By rebuilding the Parthenon according to the Golden Ratio, we’ve revived a lost construction technique, and a pathway to beauty the world has sorely missed.”

With a spoiler alert, the show proposes to build this new version of the Parthenon in Washington, DC, with a focus of honoring the democracy of the United States of America and those who made it great. To match the original Parthenon’s 15 year construction period, they estimated that its cost would be $161,000,000. With just a small budget overage, I think the team could easily get the final cost to come in at $161,803,398.87, in near perfect homage to the golden ratio of 1.6180339887… !

I’d like to thank Andrew Killawee for the opportunity to be his Golden Ratio expert for this documentary. I’ve long studied and admired the Parthenon, both through the work of others as well as through my own original research. It was great to be able to share just a small part of what I’ve learned in this great documentary. I hope my participation along with all those involved in its production, will inspire others to learn more about it, and the role of the Golden Ratio in beauty, design and life itself.

For more information on my work on the Parthenon, see my articles here:

“Code of the Parthenon” – Selected Transcript of 42 Minute Internet Version

“Code of the Parthenon” – Selected Transcript of 50 Minute Cable TV Version

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